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Information for Law Enforcement

Our Permission Slip Program is an early intervention outreach tool for Montgomery County Police Departments, the Montgomery County District Attorney's Office, and other services organizations to help people connect people to VSC. 

Connecting people to VSC as early as possible can help a survivor receive emotional support as they navigate each step of the reporting and criminal justice process. 

How it works 

Organizations that work with survivors ask the individual to sign a release, allowing the victim's contact information to be shared with VSC. The permission slip is then emailed or faxed to VSC, and a specially trained victim advocate reaches out to offer emotional support, provide information about options, and share information about VSC services. 

VSC needs the following information to assist and reach out to the victim: 

  • Victim name, address, date of birth, and primary language spoken  

  • Type of incident or victimization that took place

  • Date of the incident or victimization  

  • A safe phone number to contact the victim 

Our Contact Info

Referrals can be emailed to

Referrals can be sent via fax: 610-277-6386

24 Hour Crisis Lines Toll Free: 888-521-0983

Business Line: 610-277-0932. 

Hotline: 888-521-0983

Office: 610-277-0932

Fax: 610-277-6386


325 Swede St., 2nd Floor 

Norristown, PA 19401

EIN: 23-1967228

Our mission is to provide advocacy and counseling for all who have been affected by sexual violence and other crimes against the person and to promote prevention and awareness in the community through education. 

Victim Services Center of Montgomery County, Inc., has a 24-hour hotline number: 1-888-521-0983. If you require an interpreter when calling our hotline, please state your primary/native language and wait momentarily while we connect you with a staff member and an interpreter for further assistance. Thank you.

El Centro de Servicios para las Víctimas del Condado de Montgomery en Pennsylvania cuenta con una línea directa las 24 horas: 1-888-521-0983. Si necesita un intérprete cuando llama a nuestra línea directa, indique su idioma primario/nativo y espere un momento para que un integrante de nuestro equipo y un intérprete se conecten para ofrecer asistencia adicional. Gracias.

خط الاتصال الساخن المتاح على مدار الساعة لمركز خدمات الضحايا في مقاطعة مونتغمري بولاية بنسلفانيا (Victim Services Center of Montgomery County, PA): 1-888-521-0983. إذا كنت بحاجة لمترجم فوري أثناء اتصالك بالخط الساخن، يرجى تحديد لغتك الرئيسية/الأم وانتظر قليلًا إلى أن يتم ربطك بأحد موظفي الطاقم والمترجم الفوري لتقديم المساعدة اللازمة. شكرًا لك

PA Montgomery 카운티의 피해자 서비스 센터에는 24시간 핫라인 번호가 있습니다: 1-888-521-0983. 저희 핫라인에 전화 시 통역사가 필요하신 경우, 본인의 주언어/모국어를 알려주시고 직원과 통역사가 연결될 때까지 기다린 후 추가 도움을 받으세요. 감사합니다.

Круглосуточный номер горячей линии Центра помощи жертвам насилия в Montgomery County, PA: 1-888-521-0983. Если вам нужен переводчик при звонке на нашу горячую линию, укажите свой основной/родной язык и подождите некоторое время, пока сотрудник и переводчик не подключатся для оказания дополнительной помощи. Спасибо.

Victim Services Center of Montgomery County, PA 的 24 小时热线电话是:1-888-521-0983。如果您在拨打我们的热线时需要译员,请说明您的首选语言/母语,并稍等片刻,直到与工作人员和译员接通以获取进一步帮助。谢谢。

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