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Pride for Kids: Empathy (AM)



Facebook and Instagram Live

Kids ages 5-8 and their parents / caregivers are invited to join VSC educator Jessica Carson for storytime, discussion, and an opportunity to share other activities.

Pride for Kids: Empathy (AM)
Pride for Kids: Empathy (AM)


2020年6月26日 GMT-4 10:00

Facebook and Instagram Live


Gender and racial equality is central to the prevention of sexual abuse. We invite children ages 5-8 years old, parents, caregivers, teachers and adults to join our live event series, Pride for Kids to celebrate diversity, equity and inclusion. The event will include a storybook reading and discussion with an opportunity to share other books and activities. The prevention of sexual violence is possible when we work to create a society that affirms, empowers and supports all identities and that ensures resources and opportunities are accessible for all. This is a free, LIVE event being streamed on our Facebook Page and Instagram Page. If you wish to support our mission and keep our services free-of-charge for crime victims and their families, please click here to make a gift.


热线: 888-521-0983




325 Swede St., 2nd Floor 

Norristown, PA 19401

我们的使命是为所有受到性暴力和受其他侵害人身犯罪影响的人员提供维权和心理咨询,并通过教育来促进社区的预防工作。我们的前身是成立于 1974 年的妇女反强奸 (Women Against Rape) 组织。40 多年来我们一直在为幸存者及其家庭提供支持。蒙哥马利郡受害人服务公司是一家根据 501(c)(3) 条款组建的非营利组织。请拨打我们全天候免费热线:1-888-521-0983。

Victim Services Center of Montgomery County, PA 的 24 小时热线电话是:1-888-521-0983。如果您在拨打我们的热线时需要译员,请说明您的首选语言/母语,并稍等片刻,直到与工作人员和译员接通以获取进一步帮助。谢谢

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