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We are the only non-profit, comprehensive crime-victim agency serving Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Our confidential services are provided at no cost to survivors of crime and their loved ones.
Our Vision
Our vision is to empower the community and to aid in the creation of a society free from violence.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide advocacy and counseling for all who have been affected by sexual violence and other crimes against the person and to promote prevention and awareness in the community through education.
Our History
VSC was originally organized in 1974 in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania as Women Against Rape by several young women who were concerned about the lack of a sensitive response to victims of rape.
The driving force in organizing the movement to help rape victims at the hospital and then through law enforcement and the judicial systems was a college student and social services intern, Madeline (Matty) Muir. Eventually, four other like-minded women joined Matty, setting up the first rape crisis center in Montgomery County that provided victims of rape with a 24/7 crisis hotline, counseling services, hospital accompaniments for medical care as a result of rape, accompaniments to police departments and through the judicial system. They brought together the district attorney’s office and police and together Matty and her associates were able to convince these two important groups that sexual assault affects not just the victim, but, also the victim’s family, friends, and the entire community including the police.
In 1980, recognizing the fact that both men and women are victims and contribute to the solution, the agency became the Rape Crisis Center. In 1985, services to other serious crime victims were added and again the name was changed, this time to Victim Services Center of Montgomery County, Inc.